I’m tried of building admin UIs and I’m trying out ng-admin. It’s pretty straightforward to setup given the guides and demos.
List, create, updates were fine until I got to the DELETE method. The server was throwing 400 Bad Requests and upon Chrome network inspection I discover that ng-admin was sending a JSON body in the request. I don’t really care who is “following the standard” as long they work together (think browsers and jquery), so I’m fine to fix either side to either the client not send the body, or the server accepting the non-empty body.
ng-admin uses Restangular under the hood to make REST requests. Restangular did have this FAQ about DELETEs with body(s).
A little refactoring and presto! DELETE now works.
app.config(['RestangularProvider', function(RestangularProvider) {
RestangularProvider.setRequestInterceptor(function(elem, operation) {
return (operation === "remove") ? undefined : elem;