HACK: Change issue creator in Bitnami Redmine

I own the administrator account of a Bitnami Redmine that I installed, but I usually work using a regular user account (Unix rule of not using root). Unfortunately I made the unforgivable mistake of creating a regular issue using the Admin account. For “correctness” sake I tried, and searched if I could modify the creator… (talk about non-repudiation…)

Nope, no default method, or requires a plugin. I don’t intend to do this regularly, so I don’t really need a plugin. I decided to mess with the database directly and see if it was easy to understand the schema. Turns out it was too straightforward.


  1. The mysql root password is the same password as the Redmine admin.
  2. I am using a Bitnami Redmine 3.1.0-0 instance, you may need to use “SHOW DATABASES;” to figure out which database.
  3. In the process I used “SHOW TABLES;” and “DESC issues;” to probe the schema. I am just showing the final necessary commands to run.
  4. You can get the issue ID by looking at the URL when the issue is displayed in your browser.
  5. You can mouseover the desired user in the browser to peek at the user’s ID to be used as the author_id.
> ./mysql -u root -p
Enter password: 
mysql> USE bitnami_redmine;
Database changed

mysql> UPDATE issues SET author_id=3 WHERE id=59;

Refresh your browser.

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