
I’ve been avoiding ANT for many many years now… probably because I’ve not got into any serious deployment, or something which simple compilation cannot do. However, I finally took my step in (JUST to try it), and it wasn’t so bad after all.

Essentially, the Ant tool is a cross-platform build script (windows batch file or unix make) that can run commands in batches. Core commands (“built-in”) include copy, delete, javac, java, jar, etc. You can group these commands in ‘tasks’ in a ‘project’ to be executed separately or you can create dependant tasks that executes one after another.

Common tasks include init (which setup variable for use in the tasks, usually a dependancy for all other tasks), build/compile (main javac code to javac and move them to appropriate dir), deploy (copy ready jar/war and files to deployment locations) and clean (delete everything).

I’ve used the core copy and jar commands to build Wildfire plugins that are deployed directly, eliminating the need to manually move class files, jar and copy to deploy folder. Compilation was automatically done with Eclipse, and the Ant task was run directly in Eclipse too.

For more complicated projects Ant also support defining your own Ant tasks, though I’ve yet to need such services. However being so extensible you can say it can do anything that you can code.

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