Vista Incompatibility

As the new Microsoft OS comes to market, there have been various reports regarding incompatibilities of the OS with existing hardware and software.

Even the compatibility tool provided by Microsoft cannot assure users that their hardware is capable of running all the features provided by the new OS [1]. Users may end up with a Vista that’s not running the features they wanted. Should there be yet another Vista-compatible logo, something like FULLY Vista-compatible, to mean being able to run all known Vista features?

On the software side there are also many anticipated problems, such as in South Korea [2]. Governments and organisations have warned that Vista may be incompatible with their existing ActiveX programs, which would result in inability to consume their daily services like banking, trading and shopping. Games and software that work with the existing XP have also stated warnings against Vista compatibility.

Adding to the issues are advisories on possible security problems with Vista despite claims it is the most secure Windows OS so far (probably just relatively more secure than their first XP?).

With nothing to work with Vista, who’s going to use it?

[1] Buying Vista? Get a guarantee
[2] Microsoft Vista to Cause Confusion for Korean Net Users

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