I thought it’ll be easy to pull my WP site down to local and make some theme changes. Just install XAMPPLite, export/import my database, backup the site files and go.
It kept showing an empty site, with no errors reported in the log, so I ended up tracing through the code to find out the what was not working. Below were the other changes I had to make.
The siteurl and home attributes in the wp_options table of the database had to be updated. I opted to change it in wp-config.ini using the following 2 lines:
define('WP_HOME', 'http://localhost/wp' );
define('WP_SITEURL', 'http://localhost/wp');
I realize some PHP was not parsed when the shorter tag is used. This option needs to be explicitly enabled in php.ini.
short_open_tag = On
The OpenID plugin requires the GMP extension, which needs to be enabled in php.ini. The comments on the PHP documentation site helped.