
How many times have you got a millisecond long timestamp and had to compare it to a duration e.g. 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * … ? I stumbled upon this more readable and less error prone way of representing, say, 5 hours, by using the java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.

private static final long FIVE_HOURS = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(5, TimeUnit.HOURS);
if (timestamp < System.currentTimeMillis() - FIVE_HOURS) {
    // do something.

The above will check if a timestamp is overdue for more than five hours. The variable twoDays will have the value 172800000. TimeUnit supports from nanoseconds, micro-, milli-, all the way up to days.

However, if the date/locale is important to you (e.g. daylight savings) then you should use the Calendar API/JodaTime rather than this "duration"-based TimeUnit.

maven compile jrxml to jasper

Unless your jasper reports change at runtime, .jrxml templates should be compiled at compile time into .jasper, and you will not need JDT at runtime, nor need to re-compile the reports each time it is run.

If you’re on maven, simply paste the usage guide into your pom and change your JasperCompileManager.compileReport(InputStream) into JRLoader.loadObject(InputStream).